
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

​​I am still blogging…

 I am still blogging...but I've moved.

Click here to visit my new blog and see the next stage of my learning journey.

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Monday, December 13, 2021

rumbistification day!

 rumbustification day!

On Friday, 10th, December, it was rumbustification day at school. Me, Melody and Rhys took some photos in the photo booth. Here are the photos we took, 

We also got our faces painted, Melody and I, went to sing Barney The Dinosaur theme song, but we got shy and walked off stage laughing. We went to find Otis out near the bouncy castle, but he wasn't there so we gave up looking and went near the pool and hung out there. 

after a bit we went back to the hall to listen to people singing and I realized how much people in Rawhiti School are actually good at singing. We listened to about 5 or 6 people singing before we went to the turf out the front of the school, for the tug 'o' war. I wasn't really paying much attention but, when I got home my brother told me that the Jr's won against the seniors. Over all it was a very fun day and I enjoyed hanging out with my friends and teachers.  

Monday, November 22, 2021

Prefix word cloud

 Prefix word cloud

We have been learning about prefixes and suffixes.

We collected a list of words with these prefixes:

  • Anti

  • Micro

  • Auto

  • Hyper

  • Sub

  • Tri

  • Uni

  • Non

  • Tele

Then we used to make a word cloud

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Why I Didn't Go To Camp.

Why I didn't want to go to camp.

On the first day I didn't go to school because of two reasons. One of them was I wasn't feeling the best. Another reason is Because my mum said there's no point in going to school because there would have been no one for me to hang out with and ill be lonely. 

Second day is kinda the same, but I was not feeling as sick as I did the first day. Instead of being at school while everyone was at camp, I stayed home and went to my mums friends house and stayed there while they cleaned.

Third and last day, I went to school and we didn't really do much. Me, Melody, Jakson, Jakaiya and Summah were colouring because we kind of had a choice of colouring and doing work.

Friday, June 25, 2021



Friday, June 11, 2021

Maths strategies


Double 24 = 48

Double 48 = 96

Double 96 = 192

Doubling increases number twice.


Halve 300 = 150

Halve 150 = 75

Halve 75 = 37.5

Halving divides by 2.


 today in math we did doubling and it was boring so me and van sat on the ground and talked the whole time and didnt do anything.