
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

My term 4 Inquiry - Building Bridges


This is my Inquiry slide :)

Monday, November 11, 2019

we did this for monday mashup! do you know how to make this?

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


my name what KK Aa YyLl Ee Ee    

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

balloon and skewer

You will need:
A balloon, A skewer, Some tape, Scissors.

1. You need to blow up the balloon.
2. Cut the tape into four little pieces, then you put two pieces of tape into a cross on one side of the balloon, then put the other two pieces of tape on the other side.
3. Put the skewer in the balloon on the tape. 123 it goes through the balloon. If it pops you might get a fright. 
I liked this because you got to put the skewer in the balloon and I had fun. It didn't pop because the tape hell'd the balloon so the air didn't 

Friday, August 16, 2019

Water Strider

For this experiment you will need: 
Thin wire, scissors, a paper plate, water (colored if wish)

1. You have to cut three pieces of thin wire, then you twist them so it looks like a bug.
2. You grab the paper plate then you put the water in it. 
3. Make sure the legs of the bug are in a U shape
4. Put the bug in the water and see if it floats or sinks!

This is a fun experiment that you can do at home, at a friends house or maybe at your birthday party.

                       Have a great day!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Learning te reo numbers with Lisa Maree

Today in Monday mash up we did Maori games and languages with Lisa Maree we learnt that tahi takau is 10, rua takau is 20, toru takau is 30, wha takau is 40, rima takau is 50, Ono takau is 60, what takau is 70, waru takau is 80 and iwa takau is 90. The games that we played was bingo and a race that involved puting numbers that are in te reo Maori in order. we learnt a pattern about that takau ma is at the start of 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19.

Friday, August 2, 2019

what happens inside your body?

Regular physical activity can lower your risk of heart, and circulatory disease by 35%. When you are active, the heart produced by your muscles increases your body temperature ,making you feel warmer.Your heart starts to beat faster, pumping more blood to the muscles you are using. Your heart is also a muscle. If you are active regularly it gets bigger and stronger. Your muscles are working harder so they need more oxygen. You start to breath faster so your blood can pick up more oxygen from your lungs. Your lungs work harder to make this happen. Once your blood has picked up oxygen, it moves to the muscles you are using by giving them the extra oxygen they need.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

My art design

For my Inquiry  I'm  painting an art design on the PE shed at Rawhiti school. Where going to get some supplies like: paint, paint brushes, and a dark vivid.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Monday, June 24, 2019

I had to focus  hard if I wanted to have this done in time!
do you think this looks hard?

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The rollercoaster

BANG! The wheels began turning as I went up the
track. I began to have butterflies in my stomach. I felt like
I was going to vomit. I also felt dizzy. It was fast and
I thought I was going to fall off. I began to scream! It was so fast I was a little nervous. I put my head over the side just in case
. My heart started to pound as I went up the high
drop I went up up up the cart started to go up slowly when it got to the top SWISH! I went down the high drop.  I couldn't

wait to get to the ground! I missed the ground! A few minutes later it was almost time to get off I was extra excited. When it
was time to get off I got off then I almost vomited
but I didn't. I felt like the happiest person in the world when I got to see my family.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Marvelous Monday Mashup

In Monday mashup I made a bag with my teacher Paula. I made the bag from old bits of material and cotton... I had to learn how to sew! It was very hard! We had to draw on your bag, go over it with vivid and then paint it. Then we had to sew it... Do you know how to sew? Tell me in the comments... 

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Year 5 camp

Most year fives went to Waipara adventure Centre.

Have you been to camp?