
Monday, June 24, 2019

I had to focus  hard if I wanted to have this done in time!
do you think this looks hard?

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The rollercoaster

BANG! The wheels began turning as I went up the
track. I began to have butterflies in my stomach. I felt like
I was going to vomit. I also felt dizzy. It was fast and
I thought I was going to fall off. I began to scream! It was so fast I was a little nervous. I put my head over the side just in case
. My heart started to pound as I went up the high
drop I went up up up the cart started to go up slowly when it got to the top SWISH! I went down the high drop.  I couldn't

wait to get to the ground! I missed the ground! A few minutes later it was almost time to get off I was extra excited. When it
was time to get off I got off then I almost vomited
but I didn't. I felt like the happiest person in the world when I got to see my family.