
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Fitness and body movement

 Fitness yesterday we did some games and it was kinda fun. Serenity and I had to play paper scissors rock and Serenity won. She did rock and i did scissors. she is good at playing it but so am I. I didn't really do fitness today because I had a  sore ankle and just sat at the side. The others played this game that's kinda like tug o war. the class got in two even lines and there was a tire in the middle. The teacher gave the students in one line a number from 1 to 22 and did the same with the other line. A number was called and the two people that had that number would run out to the tire and try take it to their side without the other one taking it. Yesterday I did it but after school yesterday I hurt my ankle so I couldn't to it today.


Run a whole lap of the bike track without stopping.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Second day in Tangaroa

Thursday day three: On Thursday morning the class of Tangaroa had to go to school early because we had tech. We went on the bus there and I think it was a ten or fifteen minute bus ride to Linwood college. When we got there we had to sit in two groups. One of all the year sevens and one of the year eights. I'm a year seven so I sat with the year sevens. I was in group ten for the first half of the day and the second half i'm in group eleven. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

My first day at school of 2021

 Wednesday Day one: on a Wednesday morning, I walked to school to be in my new class. I was a little scared at the first because I only had three friends in that class. I didn't really know much people. I still don't. At the start I was a little shy but the teachers are slowly pushing us out of our comfort zone, so we can do things without thinking others are going to judge. 

Goal setting day

Tuesday, Goal setting: Me and my cousins went to Rawhiti School on Tuesday around lunchtime because it was goal setting. First my auntie took my six year old cousin Joseph to his class and me and my eight year old cousin Aria played in the playground. My mum, nana, baby brother and eight year old brother Zavier came down to Rongo-Ma-Tane and took my cousin and I down to our new classes. my cousin and brother is in Tawhirimatea and we went to there class first. After that we went to my class. I was a little scared at first but after the first day at school I felt a little more confident about the new class. One of my goals was to get better at writing. I'm pretty good at writing in my point of view.