
Saturday, November 28, 2020

My Baby Brother

On the 19th of November 2020 my mum went to the Christchurch woman's hospital because she was pregnant with my baby brother. His name is Braxton. I like to call him buba or baby or just Braxton. Braxton was born early. how early do you ask? Well he was born 3 weeks early. Braxton is getting fed by a really thin tube that goes down his throat and into his stomach but he has to learn how to drink from a bottle so he can go home. I haven't held buba yet but I have felt him and held his hand. he is so cute. I love him so so much. If anyone is mean to me about my brother, or that my mum made a mistake about having another baby, I will be very mad and I won't take matters into my own hands. I will just go to a teacher or to an adult about the situation. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

3D shapes


How I made this was with 18 toothpicks as the edges, 12 blobs of blutack for the vertices. There are 6 faces.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


I used shapes of different sizes and shapes to make a person holding an umbrella. The shapes in this picture is: two big 2d triangles for the umbrella, two small 2d triangles for the feet, one medium sized 2d triangle for the upper body, one 2d square for the head and one parallelogram for the lower body.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Ghost school.

Ghost school.

CRASH, BANG!!! went school tables and chairs as the bully ghosts of the ghost school had a fit, because they weren't allowed to get out of school and badly scare normal people. The main bully is John and his back followers is Anthony and Gerald. John calls them Johnny and Joan. Anthony and Gerald hate John but they're scared of him so they pretend to be his friend. at the school they learn how to get rid of there ghostly anger at normal people. But with John there is no getting rid of his anger. the only thing that makes him happy is by being mean to others. John was killed by the one and only you won't believe me but his.......mother and brother!!!