
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Ghost school.

Ghost school.

CRASH, BANG!!! went school tables and chairs as the bully ghosts of the ghost school had a fit, because they weren't allowed to get out of school and badly scare normal people. The main bully is John and his back followers is Anthony and Gerald. John calls them Johnny and Joan. Anthony and Gerald hate John but they're scared of him so they pretend to be his friend. at the school they learn how to get rid of there ghostly anger at normal people. But with John there is no getting rid of his anger. the only thing that makes him happy is by being mean to others. John was killed by the one and only you won't believe me but his.......mother and brother!!!


  1. kia ora Kaylee my name is Sophie I like your righting because of all the crash and Bangs maybe you could add a part 2??? i would really enjoy it

    by Sophie

  2. Dear Kaylee I really like this story because it gives me a picture in my head. So meany symbols are used to describe what you are writing about. Next time you could explain it a bit more .


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