
Friday, February 28, 2020

fire breathing dragon

Fire breathing dragon
Fire Coming out of a gold scaly dragon. Atlantic oceans in the background, dark blue skies around it. The only light at the place was the scaly gold dragon. It's Fire coming out of its mouth. The scales were as gold as all of Mr Krabs gold coins. 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

basic fact score

over the last few days 
i have been focusing 
on my basic facts in 
maths time. to me math is
 NOT fun unless we 
do this = making a graph.  

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Friday, February 21, 2020

Monday, February 17, 2020

my birthday. (100 word story)

“Ahh” Me, Faith and Abby said as we watched the scariest movie in our lifetime!! It was my b-day and us three girls went to timezone, the movies and more places. My cousin Joseph was at his dads, my cousin Aria was at our Nana's house, my cousin Phoenix and my uncle Mikaere went up north so it was only me, Abby, Faith, Aunty amber and the twins (Stella and Luna). Ohh yeah and after we watched the scary movie we got rid of the scariness out of our system so we watched the new Spongebob movie. It was insane!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

 My QE2 trip
On Thursday the 10th of October in the school holidays, my Aunty Amber , my cousin Aria and I walked to QE2 to go for a swim. On the way just down the road from Amber's street we walked passed Noah morris. He said hi to me and I said hi back to him. After we walked passed him Amber said that I went bright red. when we walked down the road more we walked past Summah’s dad’s car and I waved to Summah and she waved back to me. Then down the road from there we walked passed a rich person's house, they had a built in pool, a built in tennis court, a nice fancy house, a great fancy garden and i felt jealous that they were rich and I wasn't.  After we walked past the rich persons house we went around the corner and to Our left was the QE2 entrance we walked into the entrance and then we walked to sit on the step to wait for Makaire, Joseph and Pheonix. when they got there we went thru the doors and we paid then we went in the pool. I looked after Joseph when he wanted to play on the little playground. He played on the blue slide and I just sat of on the side and watched him. he kept going on the slide for most of the time

type of fruit