
Friday, May 22, 2020

News Report

News Report

Over the past few days me and my buddy Abby have been making a news report. We have a video of us and we would like to show you what we had done...

We are doing this news report for our inquiry at school.
We got a page of paper and it had a LOT of ideas and of different activities that we can do. We haven't finished editing but when we are we will make sure to show you. I love how we made this it made me feel happy inside. I would really like to do it again when i get the chance to. we did this because we had some choices to pick from so we had a talk and decided to pick a news report.We hate watching the news but we thought this would be easy so we tried it and it turned out that it wasn't hard but wasn't easy.We had to plan it then write what we were going to say then send it to Sharon after all that we had to practice. After we practiced we rehearsed it then we had to video.It made me all happy.(I think it made Abby happy as well) if Sharon didn't help us we wouldn't have done this.Thank you Sharon.    

sorry you cant watch it. it wont work

Monday, May 4, 2020

Ghost in the Forest

I'm walking in the forest. I hear something. What do I hear? Ahh what is that? It sounded like a g-g-g-ghost! OMG OMG what do I do. Ah ah ah. I don't know. I looked behind me hahh there was fog and a ghost in the f-f-f-fog. What should I do, should I run or should I hide? I DON'T KNOW! I'm scared. Where are my friends? I was with them five minutes ago. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!!!!! Am i going to die? I don't wanna die!

How do I get out of here? HELLLLP!!!!! Is is that what I think it is? Is it a ghost?I think it is! John,mary help, where are you guys? AHH HELP ME I'M GETTING TAKEN AWAY FROM HERE. Hey where am i? be continued...