
Friday, May 22, 2020

News Report

News Report

Over the past few days me and my buddy Abby have been making a news report. We have a video of us and we would like to show you what we had done...

We are doing this news report for our inquiry at school.
We got a page of paper and it had a LOT of ideas and of different activities that we can do. We haven't finished editing but when we are we will make sure to show you. I love how we made this it made me feel happy inside. I would really like to do it again when i get the chance to. we did this because we had some choices to pick from so we had a talk and decided to pick a news report.We hate watching the news but we thought this would be easy so we tried it and it turned out that it wasn't hard but wasn't easy.We had to plan it then write what we were going to say then send it to Sharon after all that we had to practice. After we practiced we rehearsed it then we had to video.It made me all happy.(I think it made Abby happy as well) if Sharon didn't help us we wouldn't have done this.Thank you Sharon.    

sorry you cant watch it. it wont work


  1. Hi Kaylee, Your group has done a really good job of planning your news article. I like that you have thought about how it makes you feel working on a project. Remember when you post a blog to check it makes sense. There seems to be a few spaces missing. Great writing.

    1. hi Becky thank you for the comment. i will try and fix up my mistakes next time.

  2. Hi Kaylee, you and Abby have been working really hard with this. I tried to watch the video but it doesn't seem to be working. Come and see me and we will see if we can fix this, I think it might be too long so we will have to upload it another way.

    1. OK. thank you Urmi for trying to help. I will come to you tomorrow and get it fixed

  3. You and Abby have worked very hard on your script and your video. Remember to check your post on preview to see if everything is working. Brooke and Urmi have offered to help with the video so make use of their skills : >

  4. thank you Sharon. its a great help that you printed the scrips out for us.

  5. Hi Kaylee i like that your doing a news report but unfornutley i cant see the video

    1. i know it doesn't let anyone see it:(

  6. hello kaylee i like your news report but sadley l cannot see the video

    1. i know it doesn't let anyone see it sadly :(


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