
Friday, September 25, 2020

What bacteria is in cheese?


Over the past six weeks I have been finding out facts about cheese and what bacteria is in it, that's why my question is how does bacteria help to make cheese? Urmi put questions up on a google doc for my whole inquiry group to see. Everyone got to choose what there big question was going to be. Me and a few other people chose how does bacteria help to make cheese? I gathered facts about cheese and i found out that the first ever bit of cheese was invented by accident. Link to slideshow: Cheese slide    

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Bring Your Name to Life in Minecraft...

 over the past few weeks my kaiawhina played minecraft. We had to make our name come to life in minecraft, by using a few different blocks to create our name. I used Emerald for the background, Gold and Diamond for my name then I put glass around the letters of my name. I put torches behind the glass so at night it lights up. this is a photo of my name.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The house

the house

creek! went the floorboards as a boy called Johnathan who was home alone, rushed to the window breathing hevaly."huh-whats happening?" yelled Johnathan scared as if he was going to get badly hurt. crash! a ginormous thunderstorm awoke "help me!" screamed John with horror  in his eyes. he looked outside as rutes coming  up from the house. "whaaaaaaaaats happening!?" screamed John as he was getting sucked up into a tornado. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Road

One gloomy day, as I was biking along the road I used to live on before the earthquakes happened. I saw a path I haven't seen before. I decided to go down and see what was down there. As I was biking down the mysterious road I saw a  big drop, so I hopped off my bike and looked down there. I saw... nothing but rocks and stones down there. I don't really know what to call it. I looked beside me and saw there was a fence. I held onto the fence and started walking down the steep slope then I took my hands off. 

Friday, September 4, 2020


I've been learning about fractions in math with Urmi. This is what i did. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Maori facts-Reading

Before the Europeans Came

Maori was the most spoken language. They had no written language but they used symbols.

After the British came

Maori were not allowed to speak their own language because the europeans could not understand it.
They stopped Te Re being spoken in schools. If someone spoke Te Reo they got beaten. The europeans couldn't understand te reo so the banned it from new zealand.