
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

scary fish in woods at night


As I was walking in the deep dark monster keeper forest I saw something in the corner of my eye. My eyes widened as I looked to see a monster type fish thing in the forest. I was in the middle of the forest by myself. With nobody there to save me and nobody there to call someone for help I stood there in shock and turned around and walked the other way not knowing that the creature saw me and followed me. Here it was about i don't know 4 a.m. I turned to look over my shoulder and there he was following me so I ran no I sprinted as fast as I could. I triped, I fell, and I ate mud on accident but anyway he got me and griped into my skin and ate my guts. I have no idea how I am telling you if i died in the forest but I guess I am. My body was never found. Its been 12 years. This fish like creature hasn't been found. he's still killing people in the forest. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

My Baby Brother

On the 19th of November 2020 my mum went to the Christchurch woman's hospital because she was pregnant with my baby brother. His name is Braxton. I like to call him buba or baby or just Braxton. Braxton was born early. how early do you ask? Well he was born 3 weeks early. Braxton is getting fed by a really thin tube that goes down his throat and into his stomach but he has to learn how to drink from a bottle so he can go home. I haven't held buba yet but I have felt him and held his hand. he is so cute. I love him so so much. If anyone is mean to me about my brother, or that my mum made a mistake about having another baby, I will be very mad and I won't take matters into my own hands. I will just go to a teacher or to an adult about the situation. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

3D shapes


How I made this was with 18 toothpicks as the edges, 12 blobs of blutack for the vertices. There are 6 faces.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


I used shapes of different sizes and shapes to make a person holding an umbrella. The shapes in this picture is: two big 2d triangles for the umbrella, two small 2d triangles for the feet, one medium sized 2d triangle for the upper body, one 2d square for the head and one parallelogram for the lower body.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Ghost school.

Ghost school.

CRASH, BANG!!! went school tables and chairs as the bully ghosts of the ghost school had a fit, because they weren't allowed to get out of school and badly scare normal people. The main bully is John and his back followers is Anthony and Gerald. John calls them Johnny and Joan. Anthony and Gerald hate John but they're scared of him so they pretend to be his friend. at the school they learn how to get rid of there ghostly anger at normal people. But with John there is no getting rid of his anger. the only thing that makes him happy is by being mean to others. John was killed by the one and only you won't believe me but his.......mother and brother!!!

Friday, October 30, 2020

Cats who needs them?


My opinion is people should have cat because they are cute and they help you when you're sad and lonely. 

The story of: Slenderman

Once a... cabooshsca. Well I guess i'm not starting it like that. A good hard working man called Johnathan had a wife, a daughter, good money and an amazing house. he would go to work in the mornings and come back just after dinner every day until... 

One early morning John went to work. his wife and daughter were still asleep. John's job was going to sea and catching fish. After one long day at work it was about 3:00 in the afternoon and he got a phone call from his wife saying there daughter was stolen! She explained to him that she went to pick her up from school at 3:00 and her whole school was out but there daughter wasn't there at the same spot she always go's to. John was furious so he... tip clash splash... fell off his boat. He got back on it then went to shore. 

He drove to the school she went to he got his wife and went home waiting for a phone call about there child. it was days, weeks, months. well not months but you get what I mean. John was very very mad by now. he went to work thinking he might find her at sea. he didn't. 

A few months go buy and John didn't go to work, his wife Katie didn't do the house work, the house is a total mess, and they don't shower until... Bang " Hi parents" gasped there daughter Katrina. " huh Katrina!" Both parents yelled in excitement.

A rich kidnapper kidnapped her. The kidnapper was a 43 year old man from Brazil named Danill. Danill came back a few months later and took her again. He had told her he was her uncle she had never met. when he took her again she thought it was normal but it wasn't. 

Katrina went with Danill and he took her to the basement and tied her up. she didn't suspect a thing until he left and didn't come back for two years.

back at the parents house John and Katie were worried because Katrina wasn't there. John and Katie found where Katrina was being held. They found her in the basement. They went down there to get her. Danill came down with a shotgun. John screamed "RUN GUYS RUN!" Katrina tripped over the rope and Katie tried to help. John got away and the other two got murdered. John was devestated and wanted revenge so he.... You don't wanna know. 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

broken flying cliff

 click, clank, clonk, went rocks as half of a cliff fell off. Suddenly a buzzing type alien spaceship sound started. the owners of the barn Dale and Lindy came out of there barn. 'huh?' said the married couple. there dog on the other side of the cliff was barking as loud as 9,999 wolfs howling all together. 'REX!' yelled Dale. 'are you ok?' cried Lindy. the married couple started getting worried. both sides of the cliff started to raise higher up, up, up into the sky over the clouds. 

Friday, October 23, 2020

The Mall

 See: glowing lights, kiddy car rides only 2$
Hear: Small children crying, MC Donald's food sizzling,
Smell: Cheesy delights cooking, other peoples perfume, 
Taste: sweet lolly drinks swirling around my mouth
Feel: cold shiver down my spine.

I could feel a cold shiver running up and down my spine as i walk up to the entrance knowing i'm getting something. The excitement in my eyes showed mum how much I loved the mall. I couldn't stop the excitement running through my body from making me run up to MC Donald's.

I could hear my worst nightmare, little kids screaming at the top of there lungs. The sound of MC Donald's potato chips and the beef patties sizzling in the deep fryer and on the stove. cash registers opening and closing.

I can see lots of different coloured glowing lights all around me.  

Friday, October 16, 2020


 I could see the bright flashing lights from a mile away, getting closer and closer. Stabbing rainbow lights were blinding me as I was heading towards the fairground. The glowing pink smoke coloured the night sky. The giant ferris wheel spinning round and round. As I arrived I saw the excitement on peoples’ faces. 

As I got there I could hear blood curdling screams and parents saying “stay close”. A massive crowd as big as all the carnival rides and People shouting loud but joyful screams, as people having the best time of their lives. The pumping music is as loud as 15K lions roaring.

I started walking around. I walked past the popcorn stand. The smell of salty, buttery popcorn making me want to go turn around and gobble it all up. An array of unique foods smelling better than ever, until the stinky farm animals broke the chain of the, popcorn smell and changed it to a stinky stench.

Monday, October 12, 2020

The plane and boys

Two little boys about the age of five, sitting on the wing of a bright shiny blue plane, one boy pointing down with a smiling face as the other one looking down surprised. they're clothes waving around as the engine of the plane is as loud as 5,000 grisly bears. 

The scenery behind them is big white clouds that remind me of delicious candy floss. The pilot of the plane sees something  in the corner of his eye. he looks he stares he sees.... two tiny boys sitting on the wing. how did they get there he asked himself. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

What bacteria is in cheese?


Over the past six weeks I have been finding out facts about cheese and what bacteria is in it, that's why my question is how does bacteria help to make cheese? Urmi put questions up on a google doc for my whole inquiry group to see. Everyone got to choose what there big question was going to be. Me and a few other people chose how does bacteria help to make cheese? I gathered facts about cheese and i found out that the first ever bit of cheese was invented by accident. Link to slideshow: Cheese slide    

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Bring Your Name to Life in Minecraft...

 over the past few weeks my kaiawhina played minecraft. We had to make our name come to life in minecraft, by using a few different blocks to create our name. I used Emerald for the background, Gold and Diamond for my name then I put glass around the letters of my name. I put torches behind the glass so at night it lights up. this is a photo of my name.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The house

the house

creek! went the floorboards as a boy called Johnathan who was home alone, rushed to the window breathing hevaly."huh-whats happening?" yelled Johnathan scared as if he was going to get badly hurt. crash! a ginormous thunderstorm awoke "help me!" screamed John with horror  in his eyes. he looked outside as rutes coming  up from the house. "whaaaaaaaaats happening!?" screamed John as he was getting sucked up into a tornado. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Road

One gloomy day, as I was biking along the road I used to live on before the earthquakes happened. I saw a path I haven't seen before. I decided to go down and see what was down there. As I was biking down the mysterious road I saw a  big drop, so I hopped off my bike and looked down there. I saw... nothing but rocks and stones down there. I don't really know what to call it. I looked beside me and saw there was a fence. I held onto the fence and started walking down the steep slope then I took my hands off. 

Friday, September 4, 2020


I've been learning about fractions in math with Urmi. This is what i did. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Maori facts-Reading

Before the Europeans Came

Maori was the most spoken language. They had no written language but they used symbols.

After the British came

Maori were not allowed to speak their own language because the europeans could not understand it.
They stopped Te Re being spoken in schools. If someone spoke Te Reo they got beaten. The europeans couldn't understand te reo so the banned it from new zealand. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020



He looks like a thin paper-like figure,
  With a lollipop head coloured dark purple,
His eyes are as dark grey as the night sky when it's snowing,
He smells like tuna and a big stench of socks dipped in slimy rotten egg yolk,
  Mixed with one-year-old rotten milk,
He eats rotten raw eggs and  mashed potato,
He drinks rotten chocolate milk and rotten tuna juice.

Monday, August 24, 2020



An over weight man,
With an apple tattoo on his bottom,
His eyes are as dark green as a frogs back,
His breath smells like barf and death,
He enjoys eating dead mice and rats,
He drinks blood and liquid mud,
He moves like a fat sloth in winter

Friday, August 14, 2020

Up Cloudy Mountain

For reading with Urmi, we did a literacy circle. My group did the story up cloudy mountain.

Mr.boat and Octo the octopus

Mr.boat and Octo the octopus

Down in the ocean, were all the sea creatures live, there was super boat. super boat was a boat of cause. he was always crowded with fans from all over the sea. super boat had an amazing good friend that always believes in him. his really good friends name is well was octo the octopus octo was very nice and kind and always stood up for Mr.boat until he started hanging out with the sharks and killer wales. when Mr.boat found out what octo's plan was Mr.boat was devastated. octo's plan was to brake wood. Mr.boat didn't like the sound of that so he went away from that part of the sea. octo waned to do his plan on Mr.boat so he followed him. I wonder what will happen next? 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Thursday, July 30, 2020

My Measurement Investigation

My buddy is..... Greta
We are going to measure..... The climbing frameMy estimate is..... 300 meters tallMy buddies estimate is..... 15 meters tallThe accurate measurement is....8 m and 55 cm

My buddy is..... Greta
We are going to measure..... the whole school
My estimate is..... 600 meters long
My buddies estimate is..... 563 meters long
The accurate measurement is... 451 m

My buddy is..... Greta 
We are going to measure..... yellow boat
My estimate is..... 3 meters long 
My buddies estimate is..... 3 meters long
The accurate measurement is....2 m and 33 cm

Friday, July 24, 2020

The Dark Cave

In a dark cave there was a horrible, dark monster looking thing. Lets just call him Mevric. I went to this cave with my good friend. We didn't know Mevric was in this cave, but we did know something was living in there. Mevric is a big dark looking creature who likes only a little bit of light. We went in the door to the cave. The door had a hidden speaker and when we entered the cave the speakers said "who's in my house" we were freaked out. We kept walking in. He was standing right in front of us. He was wearing a black outfit and he had two things in his hands. We didn't know what they were but they looked the color of lava. What would you do in this situation?

Thursday, July 23, 2020

this is me?

                                    This is me?

ZAP! "Ahh" I woke up. "Ah, i'm way to tired to get up" i said as the sun was rising. i looked at my watch... "AAHH" i screamed as i looked at my hand and arm. "Ahh" i said as i looked at the wings behind me as i looked in the mirror. i got ready for school. as i got there everyone was looking at me and laughing.i was so scared pf what they thing of me.what would you do if this happend to you?

My school holidays

In the holidays I went to my dads house. We went to the port hills to go play in the snow. We made a snowman and his name was snowy the snowman. After we went there we went to ferry mead. I went there with my dad, his girlfriend Kerry, his girlfriends daughter Lily and Lily's little brother Mason. Lily took some photos of some things that we saw. after going to ferry mead we went to the mall and we went to get lunch, we had McDonald's and lily had nothing because she didn't want anything.instead she went to a smoothie thing. she got a caramel, i got a strawberry smoothie and mason got a very berry smoothie. when me Mason my dad and Kerry went to get McDonald's Lily went and got a haircut. We had so much fun over the past two days. Apart from that I was laying in bed watching watching YouTube and Netflix.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

George Floyd About Police

                            George Floyd


George Floyd was killed by 4 white police officers. 3 police officers held him down and one put his knee on George Floyd's neck. George was yelling "I can't breathe, I can't breath" 16 times before his death. 

About protests

shortly after protests seeking justice for George Floyd an African American who was killed during a police arrest. 

Deeper reason 

not being treated properly, less pay. one of the four police officers charged for George Floyd's death has posted bail and is out of jail. the four officers names are Tou Thao, Thomas lane, J Alexander Kueng, and Derek Chauvin. Derek chauvin was the police that actually had his knee on George Floyds kneck and killed him.George Floyd was a loved man with a wife, daughter and lots of friends.On May the 25 George Went to his local store, Cup foods. He went to buy cigarettes with a counterfeit $20 note. Fast after George paid one of the store workers then he called the police. When George got back to his car the police arrived.

my own views

George Floyd got killed by a white police officer named Derek. the worst thing is, is that George and Derek used to work together but they were mortal enemy's. they hated each other. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Our dance

                             Our Dance

My best friend Abby and I are making a dance. Were making this dance because it was our second choice in our growing grid work. We made a dance to Yellow Hearts.Then Abby wanted to do it to a tiktok song Mashup so we did. We are still recording but Abby isn't here so we can't record it. So today I am making this blog post instead.

Friday, May 22, 2020

News Report

News Report

Over the past few days me and my buddy Abby have been making a news report. We have a video of us and we would like to show you what we had done...

We are doing this news report for our inquiry at school.
We got a page of paper and it had a LOT of ideas and of different activities that we can do. We haven't finished editing but when we are we will make sure to show you. I love how we made this it made me feel happy inside. I would really like to do it again when i get the chance to. we did this because we had some choices to pick from so we had a talk and decided to pick a news report.We hate watching the news but we thought this would be easy so we tried it and it turned out that it wasn't hard but wasn't easy.We had to plan it then write what we were going to say then send it to Sharon after all that we had to practice. After we practiced we rehearsed it then we had to video.It made me all happy.(I think it made Abby happy as well) if Sharon didn't help us we wouldn't have done this.Thank you Sharon.    

sorry you cant watch it. it wont work

Monday, May 4, 2020

Ghost in the Forest

I'm walking in the forest. I hear something. What do I hear? Ahh what is that? It sounded like a g-g-g-ghost! OMG OMG what do I do. Ah ah ah. I don't know. I looked behind me hahh there was fog and a ghost in the f-f-f-fog. What should I do, should I run or should I hide? I DON'T KNOW! I'm scared. Where are my friends? I was with them five minutes ago. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!!!!! Am i going to die? I don't wanna die!

How do I get out of here? HELLLLP!!!!! Is is that what I think it is? Is it a ghost?I think it is! John,mary help, where are you guys? AHH HELP ME I'M GETTING TAKEN AWAY FROM HERE. Hey where am i? be continued...

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

monday mash up

Every Monday mash up we make things with the teachers but we didn't do it with them today..., ...we did it by ourselfs. This monday mash up we made pancakes and had hot chocolate.

Do you know how to make pancakes?

Friday, March 6, 2020

my 100 word story

We did a 100 word story at school and this is mine. we were focusing on describing words.

Do you think I did a good job?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

my math

This is what we did in maths today with lisa maree.

Do you think it was hard?

Friday, February 28, 2020

fire breathing dragon

Fire breathing dragon
Fire Coming out of a gold scaly dragon. Atlantic oceans in the background, dark blue skies around it. The only light at the place was the scaly gold dragon. It's Fire coming out of its mouth. The scales were as gold as all of Mr Krabs gold coins. 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

basic fact score

over the last few days 
i have been focusing 
on my basic facts in 
maths time. to me math is
 NOT fun unless we 
do this = making a graph.  

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Friday, February 21, 2020

Monday, February 17, 2020

my birthday. (100 word story)

“Ahh” Me, Faith and Abby said as we watched the scariest movie in our lifetime!! It was my b-day and us three girls went to timezone, the movies and more places. My cousin Joseph was at his dads, my cousin Aria was at our Nana's house, my cousin Phoenix and my uncle Mikaere went up north so it was only me, Abby, Faith, Aunty amber and the twins (Stella and Luna). Ohh yeah and after we watched the scary movie we got rid of the scariness out of our system so we watched the new Spongebob movie. It was insane!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

 My QE2 trip
On Thursday the 10th of October in the school holidays, my Aunty Amber , my cousin Aria and I walked to QE2 to go for a swim. On the way just down the road from Amber's street we walked passed Noah morris. He said hi to me and I said hi back to him. After we walked passed him Amber said that I went bright red. when we walked down the road more we walked past Summah’s dad’s car and I waved to Summah and she waved back to me. Then down the road from there we walked passed a rich person's house, they had a built in pool, a built in tennis court, a nice fancy house, a great fancy garden and i felt jealous that they were rich and I wasn't.  After we walked past the rich persons house we went around the corner and to Our left was the QE2 entrance we walked into the entrance and then we walked to sit on the step to wait for Makaire, Joseph and Pheonix. when they got there we went thru the doors and we paid then we went in the pool. I looked after Joseph when he wanted to play on the little playground. He played on the blue slide and I just sat of on the side and watched him. he kept going on the slide for most of the time

type of fruit